The Advent of on-board Diagnostic Scanners

Initially, on-board computer systems were built into vehicles by their respective automobile manufacturers. In the early 1980s, the first generation of On-board diagnostics (OBD-I) was designed . The rationale for developing the aforesaid was to intimate the drivers and /or the vehicle owners in case of any the emissions control system malfunctioned. It was primarily designed by professional automobile experts and not only were they designed uniquely from each other but also were expensive to acquire. Being unique from each other the OBD-1 provided unstandardized tests and information. There were also variations among the models of the single automaker. The complex mechanism of retrieving information from OBD 1, which required a wide variety of cables to be connected to wide range of data connectors of the vehicles made the use of scan tools and code readers less user-friendly. The lay users were simply not aware of the functionality that this mechanism had. In 1996, due to s...